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Mail+ is AppConnect Enabled

AppConnectMany of our enterprise customers have asked for enhanced security and management capabilities. Mail+ is now integrated with MobileIron's AppConnect, supporting comprehensive application management for enterprise applications.

With this integration, enterprises have the benefit of:

  • Deep Integration
    Connect, manage, and enjoy Mail+ to ensure a secure and controlled app environment without disrupting the end-user experience
  • AppConnect
    AppConnect auto-detects Mobile@work on the device and enables the user a seamless single sign-on experience using their MobileIron passcode
  • Secure Data Removal
    If a user violates an app or device policy, the app and all its data can be selectively wiped by MobileIT without erasing the entire device
  • Data Loss Prevention policies with copy-paste and file forward restrictions
    Can prevent employees from inadvertently sending sensitive information to third party apps
  • Align corporate security and management requirements with Mail+

Mail+ Configuration Values

Value Details Example
iaserver The ActiveSync server or proxy
iausername ActiveSync username $USERID$ or domain\username
iaemailaddress ActiveSync email address $EMAIL$ or
iapassword ActiveSync password Value such as P$ssw0rd. Send $NULL$ to force the user to input his/her password instead.
ialicensekey Mail+ license key given to you by iKonic Apps licensekey
Value Details Example
iaclientcertificate Used for two-factor certificate authentication. This should also be used as a replacement for AppTunnel for Mail apps Set up with SCEP. See technical support for details
iadeviceid Used to manage the deviceid Mail+ uses to connect to the ActiveSync server $DEVICE_UUID_NO_DASHES$ or ABC123. Please make sure this is an ActiveSync formatted deviceid
iaallowsbackup Used to disable iTunes backups of Mail+ data FALSE
Value Details Example
iapasscoderequired Require or disable an app passcode. This value will take precedence over ActiveSync policies. Note: this does not affect device passcode TRUE or FALSE
iaalphanumericpasscoderequired Require alpha numeric passcodes TRUE or FALSE
iaallowsimplepasscode Used to set passcode difficulty FALSE
iaminpasscodelength Used to set passcode difficulty length FALSE
iaminpasscodecomplexcharacters Number of required complex characters in the passcode Numeric value
Value Details Example
iasmimecertificate Certificate used for signing and encryption Use SCEP
iaencryptioncert Separate signinng certificate. Use this ONLY if signing and encryption certificate are different. This cannot be used with iasmimecertificate Use SCEP
iasigningcert Separate signinng certificate. Use this ONLY if signing and encryption certificate are differen. This cannot be used with iasmimecertificate Use SCEP
iasmimerequireencryptedreplies Used to require encrypted emails also be replied/forwarded as encrypted TRUE
iasigningrequired Require all outgoing emails to be signed TRUE
iaencryptionrequired Require all outgoing emails to be encrypted TRUE
iasmimeshoulduse3des Used to change the encryption algorithm to 3DES TRUE
iapasscoderequiredforviewingencrypted Require a passcode to access the encryption certificate. Must be used with iapasscoderequired set to TRUE TRUE
Value Details Example
iasupporturl The support URL users should be directed to if they need help
iasupportemail The email address users should contact for additional help
iaallowuntrustedcerts Automatically reject unknown security certificates FALSE
iahidesnapshot This controls the screenshot saved into the app directory when the app enters the background TRUE